Friday, January 2, 2009

First of the New Year

Well to be truthfully these were shot on the 30th of December 08, but I didn't really start processing them until yesterday so I guess its Ok to call them my first work of the new year. I met RB through Craigslist and arranged for her to come in for short test or “get to know each other” shoot to see how well we worked together. For the first hour or so we worked in the studio which truthfully resulted in a few OK images but nothing beyond the mundane. As the idea's I'd come up with for the session just didn't seemed to work once we actually started shooting. The last half of the shoot I'm pleased to say was a complete 180 from the first half. We moved up stairs to one of the guest room which offered beautiful natural lighting providing a close to perfect setting for a serious of what I think are very beautiful and natural photographs.



  1. oh Mike, the images are really beautiful... you are really good at this kind of photography. you seem to have the "angle" that works very well.

    happy new year :)

  2. Dear Mike !
    Vernon is so right... And what a beautiful compliment from a so great photographer.
    I would like to write an article about you. It would be nice you agree... Read you soon ! Chris

  3. Vernon and Chris,

    Thank you both so very much!

