Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Working on weak areas

The original plan for this past Friday's shoot with Angelique was to work outside but after a 10 minute walk to the shooting area then another 10 minutes of trying to find a spot with good lighting, in spite of the clear sky and noon day sun. Where are the freaking clouds when you need them LOL I decided the lighting and conditions just didn't warrant have her freeze in the windy 40 degree weather. So I decided to go with Plan B That would of course be to work on one of my major weak areas, traditional studio artistic nudes, where I need lots of improvement. So we headed back to the cars and drove over to the back up “in door location”. Once there we spent the next approximately two hours shooting very basic artistic nudes. All in all I feel the shoot produced some quality images but more importantly it allowed or rather forced me to work on an area that I really need work on if I ever want to improve my work to the level of photographers whose work I admire greatly

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Walk in the Park Part II

Additional images from last week shoot with Amber.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

March 2009 Erotic show MOCA Gallery

Just finished putting together the mats for the photos that I'm planning on showing at next month's annual Erotic show at the MOCA Gallery in Georgetown For people who don't know about it MOCA is a small user supported gallery near Washington DC that gives new and upcoming artists a place to display and sell their work. Which is something that is greatly needed as very few galleries in the Washington DC area show erotic or in that fact any kind of nude work.
If you're in the area please stop by on March 6th between 6 and 10 pm for the opening of the show and an exhibition photo shoot of Playboy model Angelina Leigh by Jerry Harke.
If you're also in the show I look forward to meeting you and seeing you're work.
Please also stop by the other galleries in the area which will also be holding openings and other first Friday events on March 6th

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Walk in the Park

For the longest time I've felt a bit of jealousy when ever I saw a nude shot in a beautiful location. I now realize how foolish this was as there are beautiful locations all around, some of which just require seeing beyond one's preconceived notions of what makes a good location and instead seeing each location for its own unique beauty. I'm not sure what is was that made me decide to open my eyes and start looking around instead of wasting time being jealous, but that's what I did and you know what I found a beautiful location less then two miles from my house. Which I was able to take advantage of for the first time this past Tuesday afternoon, and was it ever a perfect day for shooting.
The sky was filled with those thin soft clouds that act like giant soft boxes, providing beautiful lighting from almost every angle. Now when I go there each day for my afternoon walk it with eyes open instead of closed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Note to self, always keep an eye on the weather!

Beautiful day in the low 60s today but of course I didn't bother to check the weather forecast yesterday or Friday so I wasn't able to take advantage of it, physiologically kicking myself in the backside as I write this. That being said the day wasn't a complete loss as I was able to check out what looks to be a very promising location for future shoots. Plus the dogs and I got to enjoyed a nice long walk in the woods which believe me, we all needed.